About Us


We’re fed up!


We’re fed up with bozos, the catch-22s, the endless red-tape, and the bullshit.


It’s time for us to stop giving airtime and energy to all the shit we don’t want: Anxiety, Disease, Poverty, Abuse...


So, where do we look if not at the three-ring insanity circus that surrounds us? 


We choose to lean into the things we do want: we "Flip the Board" and focus on what nourishes our hearts and souls—Connection. We put our attention on all the wonderful stuff we want to create and experience; the good times, creating memories with friends and family, helping others, expanding joy in every moment; growing a world we would all want to live in. 


What better way, than to embrace Joy, Love, Wonder, and Fucking Amazement?


We can do it together—come Flip the Board with us and see what's on the other side...

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